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在线订花 网上花店论文
2015-03-29  来源:未知  作者:admin  分类:北京花店


目  录
摘 要 3
Abstract 4
引  言 5
第一章  主要技术分析 6
1.1 SQL Server 2000 6
1.2 .NET技术 6
1.3 C#技术 7
1.4 ADO.NET技术 8
1.5 Dreamweaver MX2004简介 9
第二章  系统分析 11
2.1 需求分析 11
2.2 可行性分析 11
第三章  数据库设计 13
3.1 数据库需求分析 13
3.2 系统E-R关系图 14
第四章  网上花卉销售与管理设计 16
4.1 系统功能描述 16
4.2  前台功能模块设计 17
4.2.1 首页功能的模块设计 17
4.2.2 用户注册登录的模块设计 17
4.2.3 浏览花功能的设计 18
4.2.4 网上购物功能的设计 19
4.2.5 服务台功能的设计 20
4.3 后台功能模块设计 21
4.3.1 用户管理模块设计 21
4.3.2 公告管理模块设计 22
4.3.3 商品管理模块设计 23
4.3.4 订单管理模块设计 24
4.3.5 管理员管理模块设计 25
第五章  系统的调试与测试 26
5.1 测试概述 26
5.1.1软件测试的目的 26
5.1.2软件测试的任务 26
5.1.3测试环境 27
5.2 单元测试 27
5.2.1黑盒测试 27
5.2.2白盒测试 27
5.2.3模块接口测试 27
5.3 集成测试 28
5.3.1自顶向下集成 28
5.3.2确认测试标准 28
结 论 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 32

引  言
随着电子技术和因特网(Internet网络)的发展,信息技术作为工具被引入到商贸活动中,产生了电子商务(Electronic Commerce简写EC或Electronic Business简写EB)。通俗的说,电子商务就是在计算机网络(主要指Internet网络)的平台上,按照一定的标准开展的商务活动。当企业将它的主要业务通过内联网( Intranet)、外联网(Extranet)以及Internet与企业的职员、客户、供销商以及合作伙伴直接相连时,其中发生的各种活动就是电子商务。

摘 要

On the net flower sale and manage the system is a web page design application that the new system that a net ascends the shopping type is also a typical system, its development includes the foreground primarily develop, the database of the background creates maintenance and manage two big ASP.NETects.Create to the former request the function is complete, usage convenience, operate the characteristics of design of simpleetc. website.But request the latter very much to create to rise the consistency of data is strong with the integrity, the database that the security of data like with manage the function.
Therefore according to above requirement, the fundamental that this system of the design adopted the website type the design thought method, join together ASP.NET programming language, regard the design of the net shopping type as the center, proceeded the further the empress of analysis to the flower market requirement, design a complete net for in front and back the pedestal lands respectively top flower sale and manage the system.This system fore the set realizes the consumer lands, merchandise ranking, search fresh flowers, the order searches, on the net the shopping leaves a message the function with the customer, creating in the background according to the foreground has the management function of the module function.System run - time result verification, this text a system for designing can satisfy the flower subscriber, florist worker with managing person three the demand of ASP.NETects.

Keywords: SQL database; website design;ASP.NET.NET


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